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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

taweezats is not haram taweez is not haram taweezats is not haram tawez and islam about taweezat Loh mubarik and taweezat tawezat wazifa istikhara

1st of all:LOH MUBARIK and taweez is same thing but Loh have much power then taweez like much power 10 times then taweez which is written on paper Loh MUBARIk is basically written on any copper or metal etc and its work of many of year but paper taweez did't remain if wrongly washed in your clothes the effects of the taweez will gone taweez or loh Mubarik is not haram there are many proofs of its.
I just read it online somewhere in some old discussion forum that wearing any kinds of amulets, talisman, charms is haraam and SHIRK.

The reason I read in that discussion forum about it being haraam and shirk is that when someone's wearing a taweez and something terrible happens to him, an accident or anything bad, then he thinks 'No, this thing doesn't work. If it did, I wouldn't have been in this accident in the first place.' somehow they start relying on the taweez for their protection where they should actually rely on Allah for the protection and eventually start doubting Quran and Allah's powers and they end up believing that Quran is ineffective in healing or protecting us (Nauzubillah)

And there's this thing I came across about taweez (it actually proves how taweez works and how it is not haraam) Please visit this page : Taweez-talisman

I know you shouldn't believe everything you hear or read because the sources are not always reliable. And so I don't believe taweez are haraam and I can never believe it because, well, taweez are made from Quran.

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