I been told that its a hadith i may not remember right words
" Shirk insani zindagi ma aisay dakhil hota hay jaisay syaha(qali) raat maa syaha pathar kaa opper syaha kera ringta hay"
if thats right isn`t taweez or any thing like that is Shirk
ans1:BUT IF U USE THAT ONLY FOR TREATMENT AS U USE MEDICINE then its not shirk so b care full in giving any FATWAS !
it solves ur spirtual problems like if u have some JIN BHOOT ON YOU OR JADUU so disprene is never gona make that ok so we use QURANic power to get rid of that kind of problems
if u study history then u will come to know that its SABIT from sahaba !well okay i'll share this with u ...i wear a taweez...now that doesn't make me less of a muslim...i wear taweez because my house is pretty haunted and seriously whenevr ii forget to wear it or something i have major clash with these jinns...secondly in my family i've this aunt who does Black Magic..( it is not a fiction..it is true) some ppl tell us that we are superstitious and so on and if we don't believe that some thing is gonna happen to us it is gonna go away by itself...well they are wrong because we don't usually tell our guests that our house is haunted but they r the ones who cum up to us and ask if there is some supernatural presence.
Secondly it is in islam to get cured if black magic has been inflicted upon u...and theese pirs are the spiritual doctors.. yes there are many fake ones but that doesn't say that if some doctors are bad all of them are. Taweez is just like a protection against those jinns who try to harm u..or against black magic..and this has been allowed by Allah.
As far as calling it a shirk as absolutely rubbish... i mean if u have typhoid will u sit at home and say Allah will cure me??? he won't cure u unless u see a doctor, same is the case with peers. I 'll giv u an example...i am only 17 but my legs ache...i have pain without any reason..i checked with a doctor and he said there is nothing wrong with me and it is going to go away...but then i went to my peer and he told me to oil it in which a taweez given by him was burnt...and seriously it went away.( he doesn't ask for money or hadia so don't think that he is taking our money) he just cures us. Peer don't tell u to bow before them or anything...whatever they tell u to do is from Quran...like reciting verse to ward of evil and all..and in the end if u call going to peers shirk then i guess we shud also stop going to the doctors.isn't it shirk that we believe he is going to cure us when the only one who can cure us is in the HEavens think abt it
if one believes that medicine or taweez has the power to heal, and one doesnot have to read Quran or pray now to ward off evil then that is shirk....but on the other hand if one has firm belief in the powers of Allah and takes medicine or taweez as simply a way thru which Allah heals then that is not shirk'
shirk means belief that any other being or thing shares the powers of Allah it can be a simple tablet or a taweez, it only depends on the intention with which a man uses these things.