by Annie Sherwood)
If you have your heart set on a Sagittarius man, you have to be able to keep up with him. If you don't like adventure, have a lot of energy, and are spontaneous, then you really should find someone else. A Sagittarius man is extremely adventurous, and they never let anything stop them - including you. These men love a thrill. They're the ones you'll find white water rafting, rock climbing, or playing some kind of intense game that you might or might not understand. These men love to travel, and are curious about everything. They are very hard workers, and if they have the money and inclination, they are liable to simply go on a trip to someplace that catches their interest with no warning.
A Sagittarius man values his freedom above all other things. If he feels he is in a cage, he will be gone before you can blink. He has a casual approach to life, and a tendency to be a rather sloppy housekeeper. This is because he is so busy thinking of travels, games, and anything but cleaning. When things get boring, he gets bored, and is likely to go looking for excitement elsewhere. The Sagittarius man is very independent and he does not like his partner to be clingy. He is a leader, and needs to know he's not only trusted but respected.
To win this man's heart, you need to be independent. If you need your man with you wherever you go, this isn't the right one for you. You must be open to new experiences, new things, and willing to listen to all his adventures. Accept the fact that he's more concerned with adventure than cleaning, or with dreams of the future rather than getting his tires fixed. He'll love to hear about all your own adventures, but if you lie, he will know it in an instant and be very unhappy about it. Start off by being his good friend. If he sees you love him for who he is, he'll be the first to take the relationship to the next level.
informative links
Saturday, May 1, 2010
How to Attract the Leo Astrological Man
by Annie Sherwood)
Astrology can be very useful when you are trying to learn about a potential romantic partner. Every sign has certain traits, and these traits can help you decide if a man is worth pursuing or not. If you have decided on a Leo, you are going to have your hands full. Leos are self-focused and egocentric. The Leo man wants to be admired, and he wants a companion who will help him succeed. He loves attention, but he can have a hard time giving a relationship his all. He can be possessive and controlling, and enjoys being the one in charge. Work with him to win him.
When in love, a Leo man is very generous and will do anything in his power to make the woman in his life happy. He can be romantic when he wants to be, and is a man who tries hard to protect the woman he loves. Leos work hard to get what they want, and are very ambitious. He will shower you with attention, kindness, and affection or step back for a while, whatever makes you happy. He never means to hurt anyone's feelings, and will work hard to make it up to you if you have a fight. This proud man will also try to impress you, because he will want you to see him as the best and most unique person in your life.
If you want to attract a Leo man, make sure that you are always put together. Leo men are vain, and they want a feminine woman that they can show off and make other men jealous of. Always take care of yourself because this shows that you value and respect yourself. This will make you more attractive to a Leo as well. Show him you're interested in what he says, do small gestures of affection like holding his hand, and handle disagreements with caution. Always be loyal to a Leo, because they won't tolerate betrayal. It's also a good idea to include him in literally everything, because this will make him feel adored, and curb his jealousy.
Astrology can be very useful when you are trying to learn about a potential romantic partner. Every sign has certain traits, and these traits can help you decide if a man is worth pursuing or not. If you have decided on a Leo, you are going to have your hands full. Leos are self-focused and egocentric. The Leo man wants to be admired, and he wants a companion who will help him succeed. He loves attention, but he can have a hard time giving a relationship his all. He can be possessive and controlling, and enjoys being the one in charge. Work with him to win him.
When in love, a Leo man is very generous and will do anything in his power to make the woman in his life happy. He can be romantic when he wants to be, and is a man who tries hard to protect the woman he loves. Leos work hard to get what they want, and are very ambitious. He will shower you with attention, kindness, and affection or step back for a while, whatever makes you happy. He never means to hurt anyone's feelings, and will work hard to make it up to you if you have a fight. This proud man will also try to impress you, because he will want you to see him as the best and most unique person in your life.
If you want to attract a Leo man, make sure that you are always put together. Leo men are vain, and they want a feminine woman that they can show off and make other men jealous of. Always take care of yourself because this shows that you value and respect yourself. This will make you more attractive to a Leo as well. Show him you're interested in what he says, do small gestures of affection like holding his hand, and handle disagreements with caution. Always be loyal to a Leo, because they won't tolerate betrayal. It's also a good idea to include him in literally everything, because this will make him feel adored, and curb his jealousy.
How Astrology Can Help You
by Annie Sherwood)
Astrology is the study of how planets and stars influence every person. Everything from whom you should marry to natural disasters can be predicted in the stars. Astrological readings provide a lot of information for people, and since astrology has been around for nearly 5,000 years, you can be sure that astrologers know what they are doing! Of course, you should always go to an astrologer who has an established practice. Or you can use some software or an online service, because the same methods a good astrologer would use are included in them, so you know your reading will be accurate. You might want to avoid hotline astrologers, who may not have all that much knowledge.
So how can astrology help you? It can help you to gain a better understanding of yourself and the world around you. You can learn what things you need to learn and what tendencies you have that you should try and control better. For example, many Scorpios are very jealous though they may not think so. You will also learn about things you might not know are tied to your star sign. For instance, Virgos tend to be worriers but they also tend to have stomach ailments. This is directly tied with the Virgo's tendency to be nervous and worry.
Astrology can help you learn what career you may be best suited for. Virgos love to help others. It's in their natures to serve. So they are best suited to such careers as nursing or social work, because they are very logical and can handle all the fine details these jobs require. You can even use astrology to help you plan your finances. The planets can actually tell you when will be the best time to make an investment, and some very successful businessmen have used this method to make literally billions of dollars. And if you know the sign of the person you're interested in, you can see how compatible you are and whether the relationship holds any kind of long-term future. Now you can see how much astrology can help you.
Astrology is the study of how planets and stars influence every person. Everything from whom you should marry to natural disasters can be predicted in the stars. Astrological readings provide a lot of information for people, and since astrology has been around for nearly 5,000 years, you can be sure that astrologers know what they are doing! Of course, you should always go to an astrologer who has an established practice. Or you can use some software or an online service, because the same methods a good astrologer would use are included in them, so you know your reading will be accurate. You might want to avoid hotline astrologers, who may not have all that much knowledge.
So how can astrology help you? It can help you to gain a better understanding of yourself and the world around you. You can learn what things you need to learn and what tendencies you have that you should try and control better. For example, many Scorpios are very jealous though they may not think so. You will also learn about things you might not know are tied to your star sign. For instance, Virgos tend to be worriers but they also tend to have stomach ailments. This is directly tied with the Virgo's tendency to be nervous and worry.
Astrology can help you learn what career you may be best suited for. Virgos love to help others. It's in their natures to serve. So they are best suited to such careers as nursing or social work, because they are very logical and can handle all the fine details these jobs require. You can even use astrology to help you plan your finances. The planets can actually tell you when will be the best time to make an investment, and some very successful businessmen have used this method to make literally billions of dollars. And if you know the sign of the person you're interested in, you can see how compatible you are and whether the relationship holds any kind of long-term future. Now you can see how much astrology can help you.
When Allah's Mercy is Only for the Believers?
by Prof.dr. Ibrahim Khalil)
This is a new series (1-3) of Verse No. in the Bible versus the Quran.
Verse No. 3 in the Old Testament says that God said, "Let there be light," and there was light..
Verse No. 3 in the New Testament says that Judas begat Phares and Zara of Thamar; and Phares begat Esrom; and Esrom begat Aram.
Verse No. 3 in the Noble Quran says that Allah is The Beneficent, The Most Gracious, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful.
The verse No. 3 in the Old Testament is Genesis 1:3
The verse continues talking about the creation of the heavens and the earth, it says: God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.
The verse No. 3 in the New Testament is Matthew 1:3
The verse continues talking about the Genealogy of Jesus Christ, it says: And Judas begat Phares and Zara of Thamar; and Phares begat Esrom; and Esrom begat Aram;
Herein, there is a problem in writing the names in the different four versions of the Bible; it goes without saying that the names of the people have no translation, they have to be written as they are. For example, the name Muhammad is Muhammad in Arabic, English, French, Spanish etc.
The names in the verse studied are quite different from one version to another.
In the four versions of the Bible studied we find the following:
Perez, Zerah and Ram are found in three versions and they are Phares and Zara in
Judah and Hezron are found in two versions and they are Judas Esrom in the other two versions.
This is a constant phenomenon that is the difference in writing and pronouncing the names of persons and places and is common throughout the different versions of the Bible
Again, it should be emphasized that the genealogy of Jesus is not mentioned in the Old Testament; also the Biblical scholars claim that there are many prophecies about Jesus in the Old Testament
On the other hand, the genealogy of Jesus is mentioned in the Noble Quran; the Quran mentions Jesus many times, in each time it says "Jesus the son of Mary". Nevertheless, Matthew 3:3 says that Jesus is the son of David, the son of Abraham.
Verse No. 3 in the Noble Quran is Chapter 1:3, Surah AL-FAATEHAH (THE KEY), 1:3
The verse says that Allah is The Beneficent, The Most Merciful
It is also translated and interpreted as:
The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful or The Compassionate, The Most Merciful or The Gentle, The Most Merciful.
These are the translation of the two Arabic words: al-Rahman, al-Raheem
It means that Allah is the One who possesses ‘mercy’, which means to want what is good for those who deserve it.
However, the root of these two al-Rahman, al-Raheem is Rahem.
Rahem in Arabic is the uterus (womb) of the human female.
The uterus is place where the baby is generated.
The mercy, compassionate or kindly forbearance of the mother shown toward her baby is well known; She performs countless mercies for her baby.
Allah says that He created the uterus and He made the mothers (of human and the animals) perform countless mercies for their baby; and Allah said:
And I derived my names al-Rahman, al-Raheem from it, so take care of your Rahem and perform mercies for them.
Who are my Rahem?
They are my father, mother and wife; my sons and my daughters, my grand father and grand mother, my brothers and my sisters, then all of my relative through my mother and my father.
On the other hand, the Prophet Muhammad illustrates the Mercy of Allah and said to his friends:
Look at this mother and her baby! Do you think that she could or would throw her baby in a fire?
They answered: Of course no.
The Prophet Muhammad said: Allah's Mercy for mankind is much more than this mother's mercy for her baby.
Now what is the difference between al-Rahman and al-Raheem if they come from one root?
The word al-Rahman means that Allah's Mercy is unconditioned, it is for every creature, every man whatever he is, regardless his faith, Allah is Merciful for both the believers and the disbelievers in the life of this world; remember that Allah provides the believers and the disbelievers with their eyes, ears, brains, hands, nerves, foot etc.
The word al-Raheem means Allah Mercy is only for the believers in the Afterlife i.e. Allah's Mercy is conditioned and it is only for those who believe in Allah.
Verse No. 3 in the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Noble Quran in Four different Translation
Verse No. 3 in the Old Testament
Genesis 1:3
New International Version:
3] And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.
New American Standard Version:
3] Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light.
English Standard Version:
3] And God said," Let there be light," and there was light.
King James Version:
3] And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
Verse No. 3 in the New Testament
Matthew 1:3
New International Version:
3] Judah the father of Perez and Zerah, whose mother was Tamar, Perez the father of Hezron, Hezron the father of Ram,
New American Standard Version:
3] Judah was the father of Perez and Zerah by Tamar, Perez was the father of Hezron, and Hezron the father of Ram.
English Standard Version:
3] and Judah the father of Perez and Zerah by Tamar, and Perez the father of Hezron, and Hezron the father of Ram,
King James Version:
3] And Judas begat Phares and Zara of Thamar; and Phares begat Esrom; and Esrom begat Aram;
Verse No. 3 in the Noble Quran
Chapter 1:3 [AL-FAATEHAH (THE KEY)]
QARIB: the merciful, the most merciful,
SHAKIR: the beneficent, the merciful
PICKTHAL: the beneficent, the merciful.
YUSUFALI: most gracious, most merciful;
This is a new series (1-3) of Verse No. in the Bible versus the Quran.
Verse No. 3 in the Old Testament says that God said, "Let there be light," and there was light..
Verse No. 3 in the New Testament says that Judas begat Phares and Zara of Thamar; and Phares begat Esrom; and Esrom begat Aram.
Verse No. 3 in the Noble Quran says that Allah is The Beneficent, The Most Gracious, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful.
The verse No. 3 in the Old Testament is Genesis 1:3
The verse continues talking about the creation of the heavens and the earth, it says: God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.
The verse No. 3 in the New Testament is Matthew 1:3
The verse continues talking about the Genealogy of Jesus Christ, it says: And Judas begat Phares and Zara of Thamar; and Phares begat Esrom; and Esrom begat Aram;
Herein, there is a problem in writing the names in the different four versions of the Bible; it goes without saying that the names of the people have no translation, they have to be written as they are. For example, the name Muhammad is Muhammad in Arabic, English, French, Spanish etc.
The names in the verse studied are quite different from one version to another.
In the four versions of the Bible studied we find the following:
Perez, Zerah and Ram are found in three versions and they are Phares and Zara in
Judah and Hezron are found in two versions and they are Judas Esrom in the other two versions.
This is a constant phenomenon that is the difference in writing and pronouncing the names of persons and places and is common throughout the different versions of the Bible
Again, it should be emphasized that the genealogy of Jesus is not mentioned in the Old Testament; also the Biblical scholars claim that there are many prophecies about Jesus in the Old Testament
On the other hand, the genealogy of Jesus is mentioned in the Noble Quran; the Quran mentions Jesus many times, in each time it says "Jesus the son of Mary". Nevertheless, Matthew 3:3 says that Jesus is the son of David, the son of Abraham.
Verse No. 3 in the Noble Quran is Chapter 1:3, Surah AL-FAATEHAH (THE KEY), 1:3
The verse says that Allah is The Beneficent, The Most Merciful
It is also translated and interpreted as:
The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful or The Compassionate, The Most Merciful or The Gentle, The Most Merciful.
These are the translation of the two Arabic words: al-Rahman, al-Raheem
It means that Allah is the One who possesses ‘mercy’, which means to want what is good for those who deserve it.
However, the root of these two al-Rahman, al-Raheem is Rahem.
Rahem in Arabic is the uterus (womb) of the human female.
The uterus is place where the baby is generated.
The mercy, compassionate or kindly forbearance of the mother shown toward her baby is well known; She performs countless mercies for her baby.
Allah says that He created the uterus and He made the mothers (of human and the animals) perform countless mercies for their baby; and Allah said:
And I derived my names al-Rahman, al-Raheem from it, so take care of your Rahem and perform mercies for them.
Who are my Rahem?
They are my father, mother and wife; my sons and my daughters, my grand father and grand mother, my brothers and my sisters, then all of my relative through my mother and my father.
On the other hand, the Prophet Muhammad illustrates the Mercy of Allah and said to his friends:
Look at this mother and her baby! Do you think that she could or would throw her baby in a fire?
They answered: Of course no.
The Prophet Muhammad said: Allah's Mercy for mankind is much more than this mother's mercy for her baby.
Now what is the difference between al-Rahman and al-Raheem if they come from one root?
The word al-Rahman means that Allah's Mercy is unconditioned, it is for every creature, every man whatever he is, regardless his faith, Allah is Merciful for both the believers and the disbelievers in the life of this world; remember that Allah provides the believers and the disbelievers with their eyes, ears, brains, hands, nerves, foot etc.
The word al-Raheem means Allah Mercy is only for the believers in the Afterlife i.e. Allah's Mercy is conditioned and it is only for those who believe in Allah.
Verse No. 3 in the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Noble Quran in Four different Translation
Verse No. 3 in the Old Testament
Genesis 1:3
New International Version:
3] And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.
New American Standard Version:
3] Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light.
English Standard Version:
3] And God said," Let there be light," and there was light.
King James Version:
3] And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
Verse No. 3 in the New Testament
Matthew 1:3
New International Version:
3] Judah the father of Perez and Zerah, whose mother was Tamar, Perez the father of Hezron, Hezron the father of Ram,
New American Standard Version:
3] Judah was the father of Perez and Zerah by Tamar, Perez was the father of Hezron, and Hezron the father of Ram.
English Standard Version:
3] and Judah the father of Perez and Zerah by Tamar, and Perez the father of Hezron, and Hezron the father of Ram,
King James Version:
3] And Judas begat Phares and Zara of Thamar; and Phares begat Esrom; and Esrom begat Aram;
Verse No. 3 in the Noble Quran
Chapter 1:3 [AL-FAATEHAH (THE KEY)]
QARIB: the merciful, the most merciful,
SHAKIR: the beneficent, the merciful
PICKTHAL: the beneficent, the merciful.
YUSUFALI: most gracious, most merciful;
In Bible versus Quran: Who was the first sinner, Adam or Eve?
by Prof.dr. Ibrahim Khalil)
This article throws some light on what the Bible and the Quran say about some hot women issues that demand some concerns; they are:
Who was the first sinner, Adam or Eve?
And the impact of Eve' sin that negatively affected every woman
A woman should learn in quietness
A woman is not allowed to be a teachers and
A woman is not permitted to have authority over a man
In the Bible, Women are to walk in modesty, adorned with good works, and to learn in silence. A woman was forbidden to teach or to exercise authority over men; she was to abide in quietness and silence.
Saint Paul appoints women to learn in the public assemblies with silence and modesty, being dressed pleasantly, without any overindulgence or excess in their clothing.
Why, it is not lawful for women to teach in the congregation, because by this means they would be placed above men, for they would be their masters: and this is against Gods ordinance. For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
Saint Paul proves this ordinance of God, by which the woman is subject to man, first because God made the woman after man, for, mans sake.
And Adam was not g deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
Then, because after her sin, the Lord God punished the woman, because she made Adam deceived by her, and therefore she is worthily for this reason subject to her husband, and ought to be.
As woman was last in the creation, which is one reason for her subjection, so she was first in the transgression.
However, the women' subjection does not hinder them from being saved; they will be saved through childbearing; if they behave themselves in those duties of marriage in a holy and modest manner; if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety and sanctification with sobriety. Good women may and ought to teach their children at home the principles of true religion.
In conclusion, Women who continue in sobriety, shall be saved in child-bearing
Herein, some question may arouse:
1) What if the woman is not married and has no childbearing, would not she be saved according to Saint Paul teachings?
2) What about women who have authority like the queens, princesses, prime-minister, ministers, bosses, supervisors, managers, chiefs etc. who disobeyed Saint Paul teachings, are they all sinners and will not she be saved according to Saint Paul teachings?
3) According to Saint Paul teachings, most if not all the Western women are sinners and would not be saved.
The Quran
1) Adam erred first, Not Eve
Verses 20:115-122 of the Quran give the details of the story of Adam, Eve and Satan.
Verse 20: 121 says that Adam erred and disobeyed his lord by eating from the tree, and allowed himself to be seduced; so went astray.
2) In the Hereafter, male and female is Equal; any female shall be admitted into Paradise by her faith and righteous deeds regardless of a) childbearing, b) her color, c) her race, d) her location, etc.
This meaning is repeated many times in the Quran, as for example, in verses 4:124, 16:97, 40:40 etc.
Verse 4:124 says:
And whoever does, any, righteous deeds, whether male or female, and is a believer, such shall be admitted into Paradise, and not be wronged, by as much as, the dint in a date-stone.
Verse 16:97 says:
Whoever acts righteously, whether male or female, and is a believer, him verily Allah shall revive with a goodly life. This is said to be life in Paradise.
And Allah shall surely pay them their reward according to the best of what they used to do.
Verse 40:40 says:
Whoever does an evil deed shall not be requited except with the like of it; but whoever acts righteously, whether male or female, and is a believer, such shall be admitted into Paradise wherein they will be provided without any reckoning, an abundant provision is given to them unconditionally.
The Bible,
1Timothy 2:11-15 (American Standard Version)
11) Let a woman learn in quietness with all subjection.
12) But I permit not a woman to teach, nor to have dominion over a man, but to be in quietness.
13) For Adam was first formed, then Eve;
14) And Adam was not beguiled, but the woman being beguiled hath fallen into transgression:
15) But she shall be saved through her child-bearing, if they continue in faith and love and sanctification with sobriety.
The Quran, Yusuf Ali Translation
Verse 4:124
If any do deeds of righteousness, - is they male or female - and have faith, they will enter heaven, and not the least injustice will be done to them.
Verse 16:97
Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has faith, verily, to him will we give a new life, a life that is good and pure and we will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions.
Verse 40:40
"He that works evil will not be requited but by the like thereof: and he that works a righteous deed - whether man or woman - and is a believer- such will enter the garden (of bliss): therein will they have abundance without measure.
This article throws some light on what the Bible and the Quran say about some hot women issues that demand some concerns; they are:
Who was the first sinner, Adam or Eve?
And the impact of Eve' sin that negatively affected every woman
A woman should learn in quietness
A woman is not allowed to be a teachers and
A woman is not permitted to have authority over a man
In the Bible, Women are to walk in modesty, adorned with good works, and to learn in silence. A woman was forbidden to teach or to exercise authority over men; she was to abide in quietness and silence.
Saint Paul appoints women to learn in the public assemblies with silence and modesty, being dressed pleasantly, without any overindulgence or excess in their clothing.
Why, it is not lawful for women to teach in the congregation, because by this means they would be placed above men, for they would be their masters: and this is against Gods ordinance. For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
Saint Paul proves this ordinance of God, by which the woman is subject to man, first because God made the woman after man, for, mans sake.
And Adam was not g deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
Then, because after her sin, the Lord God punished the woman, because she made Adam deceived by her, and therefore she is worthily for this reason subject to her husband, and ought to be.
As woman was last in the creation, which is one reason for her subjection, so she was first in the transgression.
However, the women' subjection does not hinder them from being saved; they will be saved through childbearing; if they behave themselves in those duties of marriage in a holy and modest manner; if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety and sanctification with sobriety. Good women may and ought to teach their children at home the principles of true religion.
In conclusion, Women who continue in sobriety, shall be saved in child-bearing
Herein, some question may arouse:
1) What if the woman is not married and has no childbearing, would not she be saved according to Saint Paul teachings?
2) What about women who have authority like the queens, princesses, prime-minister, ministers, bosses, supervisors, managers, chiefs etc. who disobeyed Saint Paul teachings, are they all sinners and will not she be saved according to Saint Paul teachings?
3) According to Saint Paul teachings, most if not all the Western women are sinners and would not be saved.
The Quran
1) Adam erred first, Not Eve
Verses 20:115-122 of the Quran give the details of the story of Adam, Eve and Satan.
Verse 20: 121 says that Adam erred and disobeyed his lord by eating from the tree, and allowed himself to be seduced; so went astray.
2) In the Hereafter, male and female is Equal; any female shall be admitted into Paradise by her faith and righteous deeds regardless of a) childbearing, b) her color, c) her race, d) her location, etc.
This meaning is repeated many times in the Quran, as for example, in verses 4:124, 16:97, 40:40 etc.
Verse 4:124 says:
And whoever does, any, righteous deeds, whether male or female, and is a believer, such shall be admitted into Paradise, and not be wronged, by as much as, the dint in a date-stone.
Verse 16:97 says:
Whoever acts righteously, whether male or female, and is a believer, him verily Allah shall revive with a goodly life. This is said to be life in Paradise.
And Allah shall surely pay them their reward according to the best of what they used to do.
Verse 40:40 says:
Whoever does an evil deed shall not be requited except with the like of it; but whoever acts righteously, whether male or female, and is a believer, such shall be admitted into Paradise wherein they will be provided without any reckoning, an abundant provision is given to them unconditionally.
The Bible,
1Timothy 2:11-15 (American Standard Version)
11) Let a woman learn in quietness with all subjection.
12) But I permit not a woman to teach, nor to have dominion over a man, but to be in quietness.
13) For Adam was first formed, then Eve;
14) And Adam was not beguiled, but the woman being beguiled hath fallen into transgression:
15) But she shall be saved through her child-bearing, if they continue in faith and love and sanctification with sobriety.
The Quran, Yusuf Ali Translation
Verse 4:124
If any do deeds of righteousness, - is they male or female - and have faith, they will enter heaven, and not the least injustice will be done to them.
Verse 16:97
Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has faith, verily, to him will we give a new life, a life that is good and pure and we will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions.
Verse 40:40
"He that works evil will not be requited but by the like thereof: and he that works a righteous deed - whether man or woman - and is a believer- such will enter the garden (of bliss): therein will they have abundance without measure.
Muhammad: What his Pagan People used to call him?
by Safaa Abdel-Aziz)
Muhammad up to the age of forty
Muhammad before his Prophethood
Up to the age of forty, Muhammad was not known as a statesman, a parson a spokesman or a lecturer. He was never seen discussing the principles of metaphysics, beliefs, moral principles, ethics, law, politics, economics or sociology.
His Pagan people knew that he possessed an excellent personality, pleasant manners and He was well known as an honest and a trustworthy man. His people used to call him the trustworthy honest man.
Nevertheless, there was nothing in his manner of life that would make his people expecting something great and revolutionary from him in the future.
Muhammad after the age of forty
At the age of forty, the Angel Gabriel revealed unto Muhammad the first seven verses of the Quran which are:
1) "Read (O prophet Muhammad) in the name of thy lord and cherisher, it is He who created,
2) Created man from "Alaq".
3) Read! And thy lord is most bountiful, is the most generous,
4) He who taught (the use of) the pen,
5) Taught the human what he did not know."
Since then, Muhammad has completely transformed.
Logically-wise, it is not possible for such a person of the above qualities to turn all of a sudden into a liar and claim that he is the Prophet of Allah and stimulate all the wrath of his people against himself.
His people offered to accept him as their King, to give him all the money he wants, to give him all the noble women he wants to marry them and he would leave the preaching of his religion. But he chose to refuse their tempting offers and go on preaching his religion single-handedly in face of all kinds of insults, social boycott and even physical assault by his own people.
Muhammad stood like a mountain in the face of all opposition and conspiracies to eliminate him
Muhammad was but a human being. He was a man with a mission, which was to unite humanity on the worship of One and Only One God and to teach them the way to honest and upright living based on the commands of God. He always described himself as, "A Servant and Messenger of God".
This article presents what Mahatma Gandhi, Thomas Carlyle, Diwan Chand Sharma and Encyclopedia Britannica said about the Prophet Muhammad
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869 –1948) was the pre-eminent political and spiritual leader of India during the Indian independence movement. He was the pioneer of mass civil disobedience, a philosophy firmly founded upon total nonviolence—which led India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. Gandhi is commonly known around the world as Mahatma Gandhi or "Great Soul". He is officially honored in India as the Father of the Nation; his birthday, 2 October, is commemorated there as Gandhi a national holiday, and worldwide as the International Day of Non-Violence.
Speaking on the character of Muhammad, Mahatma Gandhi says in (Young India):
"I wanted to know the best of one who holds today's undisputed sway over the hearts of millions of mankind....I became more than convinced that it was not the sword that won a place for Islam in those days in the scheme of life. It was the rigid simplicity, the utter self-effacement of the Prophet, the scrupulous regard for his pledges, his intense devotion to this friends and followers, his intrepidity, his fearlessness, his absolute trust in God and in his own mission. These and not the sword carried everything before them and surmounted every obstacle. When I closed the 2nd volume (of the Prophet's biography), I was sorry there was not more for me to read of the great life."
On the other hand, Diwan Chand Sharma, a Hindu scholar wrote [in his book "The Prophets of the East," Calcutta 1935, p. 122.],
"Muhammad was the soul of kindness, and his influence was felt and never forgotten by those around him."
Thomas Carlyle (1795 –1881) was a Scottish satirical writer, essayist, historian and teacher during the Victorian era. He called economics "the dismal science", wrote articles for the Edinburgh Encyclopedia, and became a controversial social commentator.
On Heroes and Hero Worship and the Heroic in History also accorded a key function to heroes and great men in history. Carlyle centered history on the biography of a few central individuals.
Thomas Carlyle, in his book (Heroes and Heroworship), was too amazed to say: "how one man single-handedly, could weld warring tribes and wandering Bedouins into a most powerful and civilized nation in less than two decades."
The Encyclopædia Britannica is a general English-language encyclopedia that is regarded as the most scholarly of encyclopedias.
Articles are aimed at educated people, and written by about 100 full-time editors and more than 4,000 expert contributors.
The Encyclopædia Britannica says:
"....a mass of detail in the early sources show that he was an honest and upright man who had gained the respect and loyalty of others who were like-wise honest and upright men.
Muhammad up to the age of forty
Muhammad before his Prophethood
Up to the age of forty, Muhammad was not known as a statesman, a parson a spokesman or a lecturer. He was never seen discussing the principles of metaphysics, beliefs, moral principles, ethics, law, politics, economics or sociology.
His Pagan people knew that he possessed an excellent personality, pleasant manners and He was well known as an honest and a trustworthy man. His people used to call him the trustworthy honest man.
Nevertheless, there was nothing in his manner of life that would make his people expecting something great and revolutionary from him in the future.
Muhammad after the age of forty
At the age of forty, the Angel Gabriel revealed unto Muhammad the first seven verses of the Quran which are:
1) "Read (O prophet Muhammad) in the name of thy lord and cherisher, it is He who created,
2) Created man from "Alaq".
3) Read! And thy lord is most bountiful, is the most generous,
4) He who taught (the use of) the pen,
5) Taught the human what he did not know."
Since then, Muhammad has completely transformed.
Logically-wise, it is not possible for such a person of the above qualities to turn all of a sudden into a liar and claim that he is the Prophet of Allah and stimulate all the wrath of his people against himself.
His people offered to accept him as their King, to give him all the money he wants, to give him all the noble women he wants to marry them and he would leave the preaching of his religion. But he chose to refuse their tempting offers and go on preaching his religion single-handedly in face of all kinds of insults, social boycott and even physical assault by his own people.
Muhammad stood like a mountain in the face of all opposition and conspiracies to eliminate him
Muhammad was but a human being. He was a man with a mission, which was to unite humanity on the worship of One and Only One God and to teach them the way to honest and upright living based on the commands of God. He always described himself as, "A Servant and Messenger of God".
This article presents what Mahatma Gandhi, Thomas Carlyle, Diwan Chand Sharma and Encyclopedia Britannica said about the Prophet Muhammad
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869 –1948) was the pre-eminent political and spiritual leader of India during the Indian independence movement. He was the pioneer of mass civil disobedience, a philosophy firmly founded upon total nonviolence—which led India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. Gandhi is commonly known around the world as Mahatma Gandhi or "Great Soul". He is officially honored in India as the Father of the Nation; his birthday, 2 October, is commemorated there as Gandhi a national holiday, and worldwide as the International Day of Non-Violence.
Speaking on the character of Muhammad, Mahatma Gandhi says in (Young India):
"I wanted to know the best of one who holds today's undisputed sway over the hearts of millions of mankind....I became more than convinced that it was not the sword that won a place for Islam in those days in the scheme of life. It was the rigid simplicity, the utter self-effacement of the Prophet, the scrupulous regard for his pledges, his intense devotion to this friends and followers, his intrepidity, his fearlessness, his absolute trust in God and in his own mission. These and not the sword carried everything before them and surmounted every obstacle. When I closed the 2nd volume (of the Prophet's biography), I was sorry there was not more for me to read of the great life."
On the other hand, Diwan Chand Sharma, a Hindu scholar wrote [in his book "The Prophets of the East," Calcutta 1935, p. 122.],
"Muhammad was the soul of kindness, and his influence was felt and never forgotten by those around him."
Thomas Carlyle (1795 –1881) was a Scottish satirical writer, essayist, historian and teacher during the Victorian era. He called economics "the dismal science", wrote articles for the Edinburgh Encyclopedia, and became a controversial social commentator.
On Heroes and Hero Worship and the Heroic in History also accorded a key function to heroes and great men in history. Carlyle centered history on the biography of a few central individuals.
Thomas Carlyle, in his book (Heroes and Heroworship), was too amazed to say: "how one man single-handedly, could weld warring tribes and wandering Bedouins into a most powerful and civilized nation in less than two decades."
The Encyclopædia Britannica is a general English-language encyclopedia that is regarded as the most scholarly of encyclopedias.
Articles are aimed at educated people, and written by about 100 full-time editors and more than 4,000 expert contributors.
The Encyclopædia Britannica says:
"....a mass of detail in the early sources show that he was an honest and upright man who had gained the respect and loyalty of others who were like-wise honest and upright men.
Why Did They Break Up On Their First Date
by Sanoj Jose)
It may sound a bit a bit sad but it happens with so many people and there’s a lot of chance that it happen with you too. There are some mannerisms that need to be kept in mind when you go for your first date.
So here are the common mistakes that men and women commit and lead to a break off after the first date itself.
Wearing without sense: Many people become over cautious or not cautious about the dress they wear on a date that it looks like ugly. You need to be yourself and dress in a simple manner. Be neat and dress simple is the best way to go for your first date and secondly don’t over use your make up because he or she would like to see your original skin and not the cosmetic one.
Trying to impress: You actually need to be yourself I your speech and mannerisms. You need to be over aggressive or over cautious about things. There is no need to impress by telling lies because it will serve no good. Be yourself and go ahead, if she or he is really for you, they will stick on.
Don’t check out someone else: when you are on a date staring at other women or men and trying to divide your attention is the most common mistake mostly done by men. When you do this you not only disrespect your partner but also give a impression that you are a freak.
Introducing friends: When you are on a date don’t bring your friends along. That will spoil the whole purpose. He or she agreed on a date to spend some time with you and bringing your friends will put an impression that you are not so serious about the other person.
Chatter box: You should not be the only person who speaks during a date. You should also be a good listener and give the other party an opportunity to speak and express. If your partner is a bit
It may sound a bit a bit sad but it happens with so many people and there’s a lot of chance that it happen with you too. There are some mannerisms that need to be kept in mind when you go for your first date.
So here are the common mistakes that men and women commit and lead to a break off after the first date itself.
Wearing without sense: Many people become over cautious or not cautious about the dress they wear on a date that it looks like ugly. You need to be yourself and dress in a simple manner. Be neat and dress simple is the best way to go for your first date and secondly don’t over use your make up because he or she would like to see your original skin and not the cosmetic one.
Trying to impress: You actually need to be yourself I your speech and mannerisms. You need to be over aggressive or over cautious about things. There is no need to impress by telling lies because it will serve no good. Be yourself and go ahead, if she or he is really for you, they will stick on.
Don’t check out someone else: when you are on a date staring at other women or men and trying to divide your attention is the most common mistake mostly done by men. When you do this you not only disrespect your partner but also give a impression that you are a freak.
Introducing friends: When you are on a date don’t bring your friends along. That will spoil the whole purpose. He or she agreed on a date to spend some time with you and bringing your friends will put an impression that you are not so serious about the other person.
Chatter box: You should not be the only person who speaks during a date. You should also be a good listener and give the other party an opportunity to speak and express. If your partner is a bit
Traditional Indian marriage meets the new trend
by Indianjodi
India is always known for its rich culture and traditions. In India you will find multi culture along with various religions. All live together with their own custom and beliefs. Gradually with passing time lots of things are changed and even now also changing. Previously arrange marriage was the tradition of the culture, which had been organized by the elder members of the family.
According to Indian society it is the belief that, parents knows where their child will be happy, so they control and choose every aspect of their child’s life. From the relatives, personal contacts or through the mediator the marriage was fixed, where the bride or the groom has no role to play. He/ she doesn’t have any right to oppose or ask question about the marriage. If anyone desires for a marriage according to his/ her wish, then it won’t allow by family members or even he/ she get punishment for raising this desire. Even there are societies, who believe in child marriages and made them successful also.
However, thanks to this modern world or changing circumstances, the families are broadening their mindset and allow their children to marry according to their own choice. At least the conservative families are supporting by not proceeding to those proposals which their children dislike and wait for the suitable one.
The arrival of information technology makes a lot easier to search a suitable choice. Indian matrimonial and dating sites are the answers to all your queries. These marriage online are providing all the facilities to choose the best match with in affordable price and limited time. When parents are selecting in traditional ways, at that time it took a long time to get one appropriate candidate for the child, but in matrimonial sites you can see enough number of options with in a fraction of seconds with all the detail information. In these matrimony sites if you don’t want to disclose some points then be relaxed, it must be secret and won’t come online. At the time of registration you can include horoscope, education, medical reports, employment, family back ground, compatibility, your choice in a candidate etc. If you don’t have time then you can click to certain community according to your convenience, such as Christian matrimonial, Oriya matrimonial, Bengali matrimonial, Marathi matrimony, Gujarati matrimonial, Tamil matrimony, Hindu matrimony, Brahmin matrimonial, and Telugu matrimony. Like this you can click to various other communities according to job, personal choice etc.
As Hindus mostly believes in graha, naxatra, compatibility according to astrology, it is also taken care by the matrimonial sites. In India matrimonial sites you can ask the astrology experts and can select according to astrology match, place and date of birth, sun sign, moon sign etc.
Today arrange marriages are done by parents but with their confirmation. First parents are considering their child’s choice then go for affirming any proposal. And at the same time most of the children are searching their soul mate by keeping in mind their parents’ choice at first. The advent of changing society converts the parent and child relation into friendship relation, where both take care of each wishes. And the role of matrimonial sites plays great role in searching soul mate and arranging dating services.
India is always known for its rich culture and traditions. In India you will find multi culture along with various religions. All live together with their own custom and beliefs. Gradually with passing time lots of things are changed and even now also changing. Previously arrange marriage was the tradition of the culture, which had been organized by the elder members of the family.
According to Indian society it is the belief that, parents knows where their child will be happy, so they control and choose every aspect of their child’s life. From the relatives, personal contacts or through the mediator the marriage was fixed, where the bride or the groom has no role to play. He/ she doesn’t have any right to oppose or ask question about the marriage. If anyone desires for a marriage according to his/ her wish, then it won’t allow by family members or even he/ she get punishment for raising this desire. Even there are societies, who believe in child marriages and made them successful also.
However, thanks to this modern world or changing circumstances, the families are broadening their mindset and allow their children to marry according to their own choice. At least the conservative families are supporting by not proceeding to those proposals which their children dislike and wait for the suitable one.
The arrival of information technology makes a lot easier to search a suitable choice. Indian matrimonial and dating sites are the answers to all your queries. These marriage online are providing all the facilities to choose the best match with in affordable price and limited time. When parents are selecting in traditional ways, at that time it took a long time to get one appropriate candidate for the child, but in matrimonial sites you can see enough number of options with in a fraction of seconds with all the detail information. In these matrimony sites if you don’t want to disclose some points then be relaxed, it must be secret and won’t come online. At the time of registration you can include horoscope, education, medical reports, employment, family back ground, compatibility, your choice in a candidate etc. If you don’t have time then you can click to certain community according to your convenience, such as Christian matrimonial, Oriya matrimonial, Bengali matrimonial, Marathi matrimony, Gujarati matrimonial, Tamil matrimony, Hindu matrimony, Brahmin matrimonial, and Telugu matrimony. Like this you can click to various other communities according to job, personal choice etc.
As Hindus mostly believes in graha, naxatra, compatibility according to astrology, it is also taken care by the matrimonial sites. In India matrimonial sites you can ask the astrology experts and can select according to astrology match, place and date of birth, sun sign, moon sign etc.
Today arrange marriages are done by parents but with their confirmation. First parents are considering their child’s choice then go for affirming any proposal. And at the same time most of the children are searching their soul mate by keeping in mind their parents’ choice at first. The advent of changing society converts the parent and child relation into friendship relation, where both take care of each wishes. And the role of matrimonial sites plays great role in searching soul mate and arranging dating services.
Can you trust and believe in Psychics?
by carolyn)
Trusting a psychic is like trusting any other service offered to you. Like every other field there are ‘good ones' and of course many charlatans. So how do you weed out the bad ones so you get an accurate reading from a psychic? Well first and foremost you don't want to go to a psychic that you found in a newspaper or magazine because what is advertised might not be what you get. You need to find a psychic that has a good reputation, perhaps one that someone you know visited and recommend. Unfortunately there is no governing body so anyone can claim to be psychic which is why it's harder to spot the fakes.
What is a psychic?
A psychic is a person who has the ability to perceive information using extrasensory perception or in other words using info which is hidden from our normal senses. There are many different forms of psychic abilities which psychics claim to have. The first one I think is the easiest to prove legitimate and it's called afterlife communication. This is where a psychic or medium communicates with someone in the afterlife, someone passed or dead as we know it. This is easily proven by what you are told. Obviously sometimes what is told is very vague and could be taken by anyone, but when they start describing someone accurately or some of the things they did while alive, it's very difficult to disregard.
Some psychic can offer insights into your future and this is called divination. This is a broad term that includes fortune telling, precognition, prophesy, and many other methods used to try to predict the future. Astrology, Tarot reading, Numerology, Scrying , Runes and Palmistry are all techniques used to predict events in the future.
Should we believe in Psychics?
Many people don't believe psychics have any hidden power mainly because you can't see it to prove it – well we cants see the wind but we know it's there. Only those who have opened up to the idea, visited a few psychics can really have an opinion. It is like any other experience; unless you have experienced it you can't really make an informed opinion – although many people do. It's similar to when children say they don't like a certain food even though they haven't tried it. I think we would be naive to believe in just the normal senses we know of. This world we live in is full of mystery and there are many things we don't know about. It is fact that we only use a small percentage of our brain something like only 20% and we still know very little of what the other 80% does for us.
The only way to really find out if all this is a load of rubbish is to get up and close to it. You can go to Spiritualist church anywhere in the country on a Sunday night and find mediums/psychics giving messages from beyond the grave. Most of them are free; some might charge a pound but not much more. I would try a few different churches or the same one a few times. You might not get a message the first time, but if you go enough the odds are you will get a message and from there you can make you judgments'.
To visit a private psychic will cost a bit more so be careful and ensure you get one that has a good reputation. Tarot reading is one technique I myself am familiar with. I have many friends who come to me for readings and they all are amazed at how accurate the readings are. They come back to me saying this came true, you was right about that.
Before you see a psychic make sure you do some research on them. You could ask them to give you some references, and if they do follow them up. Failing that you could arrange to visit a famous psychic like Sally Morgan. She used to advice the late princess Diana so if she's good enough for a princess she should be good enough for little old you. I guess she won't come cheap, but at least you know what you're getting with her, a renowned psychic which if you want her TV shows will prove to you she is definitely no fake. Failing that there are some respected psychic networks around the internet, some offering free psychic readings, but again do your homework.
Trusting a psychic is like trusting any other service offered to you. Like every other field there are ‘good ones' and of course many charlatans. So how do you weed out the bad ones so you get an accurate reading from a psychic? Well first and foremost you don't want to go to a psychic that you found in a newspaper or magazine because what is advertised might not be what you get. You need to find a psychic that has a good reputation, perhaps one that someone you know visited and recommend. Unfortunately there is no governing body so anyone can claim to be psychic which is why it's harder to spot the fakes.
What is a psychic?
A psychic is a person who has the ability to perceive information using extrasensory perception or in other words using info which is hidden from our normal senses. There are many different forms of psychic abilities which psychics claim to have. The first one I think is the easiest to prove legitimate and it's called afterlife communication. This is where a psychic or medium communicates with someone in the afterlife, someone passed or dead as we know it. This is easily proven by what you are told. Obviously sometimes what is told is very vague and could be taken by anyone, but when they start describing someone accurately or some of the things they did while alive, it's very difficult to disregard.
Some psychic can offer insights into your future and this is called divination. This is a broad term that includes fortune telling, precognition, prophesy, and many other methods used to try to predict the future. Astrology, Tarot reading, Numerology, Scrying , Runes and Palmistry are all techniques used to predict events in the future.
Should we believe in Psychics?
Many people don't believe psychics have any hidden power mainly because you can't see it to prove it – well we cants see the wind but we know it's there. Only those who have opened up to the idea, visited a few psychics can really have an opinion. It is like any other experience; unless you have experienced it you can't really make an informed opinion – although many people do. It's similar to when children say they don't like a certain food even though they haven't tried it. I think we would be naive to believe in just the normal senses we know of. This world we live in is full of mystery and there are many things we don't know about. It is fact that we only use a small percentage of our brain something like only 20% and we still know very little of what the other 80% does for us.
The only way to really find out if all this is a load of rubbish is to get up and close to it. You can go to Spiritualist church anywhere in the country on a Sunday night and find mediums/psychics giving messages from beyond the grave. Most of them are free; some might charge a pound but not much more. I would try a few different churches or the same one a few times. You might not get a message the first time, but if you go enough the odds are you will get a message and from there you can make you judgments'.
To visit a private psychic will cost a bit more so be careful and ensure you get one that has a good reputation. Tarot reading is one technique I myself am familiar with. I have many friends who come to me for readings and they all are amazed at how accurate the readings are. They come back to me saying this came true, you was right about that.
Before you see a psychic make sure you do some research on them. You could ask them to give you some references, and if they do follow them up. Failing that you could arrange to visit a famous psychic like Sally Morgan. She used to advice the late princess Diana so if she's good enough for a princess she should be good enough for little old you. I guess she won't come cheap, but at least you know what you're getting with her, a renowned psychic which if you want her TV shows will prove to you she is definitely no fake. Failing that there are some respected psychic networks around the internet, some offering free psychic readings, but again do your homework.
Leo Astrology
by James Edwards)
In astrology Leo governs the Sun Sun as the center of our solar system is a star, all the other planets revolve around. Astrologers may say that man Leo wants to be in the spotlight, which may or may not be true, depending on the rest of the astrology chart. But the way in the life of Leo always find your center and follow their hearts.
The crises in the life of Leo will be about pride, courage, love, to be recognized and allegations. Usually, all these combined together with a story or drama that is unfolding. Leo needs in a drama in my life. They need to feel and express life. However, if they are not conscious of its domestic needs, the drama can develop while they are so wrapped up in a game they take that very seriously and may be rooted in the epic drama of growth.
Many times, young Leo event happened in their lives where they either received the attention and approval, or in hopes of attention and approval of respect and affection of adults, usually one of the parents. The emotional charge was created or what they have done something, perhaps a little show for adults, and believed he loved and adored with attention. This event is a sample I have to play their role, put on a show in order to get approval, love and attention. And sometimes a child, Leo wants love and attention, and feels, and continues to ignore upping the stakes in the existing outside or somehow tends to get mom and dad attention, for example, by getting sick, provoking the brothers, etc.
This emotional create can continue into adulthood, where Leo sees the need to perform more and more to get approval. Adoption and love, was wanted or strengthen a child, now becomes ambiguous statement from the world. If I'm the best salesman in the office, somehow, life will be better, and it may take up to an emotional crisis occurs with the basic question "why am I not happy?
It is important to Leo in his spiritual path to consider whether or not they are taking measures for approval. Again, this is the hidden feelings and the driving force beneath the surface of everyday activities. Therefore, the study itself is very important. One way to find out whether or not what you are doing is genuine is to ask or you do not feel that someone in your life will be "allegations" that you are doing. Think about someone you care about or those whom you want to take care of you. Next ask yourself if, in addition to (as an example) will be particularly the seminar if you think so and so will admire you for it. It can be access if there is a hint wanting approval. If yes, then ask yourself if you go somewhere or do something, even if there was admiration, and even in the presence of disapproval.
This is one way, Leo can find its heart and life path. Having the courage to follow the next step. It takes courage to deliberately step on the path that you want, but you know who are important to you in your life do not approve. Leo must seek the truth in their hearts, this is the way you want better for your highest good? It's clean, without being infected do so as a result of hurt pride or ego? Are you prepared to risk the loss of others to have what your heart wants? After learning the truth in his heart courageously went to your own adventure.
In astrology Leo governs the Sun Sun as the center of our solar system is a star, all the other planets revolve around. Astrologers may say that man Leo wants to be in the spotlight, which may or may not be true, depending on the rest of the astrology chart. But the way in the life of Leo always find your center and follow their hearts.
The crises in the life of Leo will be about pride, courage, love, to be recognized and allegations. Usually, all these combined together with a story or drama that is unfolding. Leo needs in a drama in my life. They need to feel and express life. However, if they are not conscious of its domestic needs, the drama can develop while they are so wrapped up in a game they take that very seriously and may be rooted in the epic drama of growth.
Many times, young Leo event happened in their lives where they either received the attention and approval, or in hopes of attention and approval of respect and affection of adults, usually one of the parents. The emotional charge was created or what they have done something, perhaps a little show for adults, and believed he loved and adored with attention. This event is a sample I have to play their role, put on a show in order to get approval, love and attention. And sometimes a child, Leo wants love and attention, and feels, and continues to ignore upping the stakes in the existing outside or somehow tends to get mom and dad attention, for example, by getting sick, provoking the brothers, etc.
This emotional create can continue into adulthood, where Leo sees the need to perform more and more to get approval. Adoption and love, was wanted or strengthen a child, now becomes ambiguous statement from the world. If I'm the best salesman in the office, somehow, life will be better, and it may take up to an emotional crisis occurs with the basic question "why am I not happy?
It is important to Leo in his spiritual path to consider whether or not they are taking measures for approval. Again, this is the hidden feelings and the driving force beneath the surface of everyday activities. Therefore, the study itself is very important. One way to find out whether or not what you are doing is genuine is to ask or you do not feel that someone in your life will be "allegations" that you are doing. Think about someone you care about or those whom you want to take care of you. Next ask yourself if, in addition to (as an example) will be particularly the seminar if you think so and so will admire you for it. It can be access if there is a hint wanting approval. If yes, then ask yourself if you go somewhere or do something, even if there was admiration, and even in the presence of disapproval.
This is one way, Leo can find its heart and life path. Having the courage to follow the next step. It takes courage to deliberately step on the path that you want, but you know who are important to you in your life do not approve. Leo must seek the truth in their hearts, this is the way you want better for your highest good? It's clean, without being infected do so as a result of hurt pride or ego? Are you prepared to risk the loss of others to have what your heart wants? After learning the truth in his heart courageously went to your own adventure.
Psychic Readings Spirituality
by Rachels Saxon)
Certain Losses And Life Changes Take Place
It has been seen that with advancing years, people generally tend to gravitate towards religion, though the church may not always be as accommodating to the elderly. They may thus be more influenced by the thinking of various philosophers and thinkers that deal with the different practices of spirituality to find meaning in life. When one considers aging and spirituality, one will no doubt realize that with advancing age, there are certain losses as well as life changes that require having more hope in order to survive.
Spirituality Can Be Therapeutic
Aging and spirituality can take the form of therapeutic interventions found in prayers, meditation and expressions of art, all of which may lead to spiritual healing as well as renewal. With better understanding of spirituality through various resources, there may come about a more pleasant aging process. There has been a definite shift within the psychic phone reading sector with more and more older clients seeking spiritual guidance in this way.
Aging and spirituality also raises questions about the true meaning and value of day-to-day life. In fact, aging and spirituality is related to a period in life when a person is closer to the end of life. This is where a persons spirituality can expand and help them share their feelings with others. It allows a person some space in which to grow, even in times of difficulty.
Spirituality Is Unique To Each Of Us
Just as our bodies age differently, spirituality is different for each of us also. Some people attending the same church or synagogue their entire life and have their spiritual beliefs well reconciled. Other people search for spirituality only in later life in order to deal with aging and death, or by using mediums, or psychics to seek the answers they need, though real spirituality is actually being aware we are spirit.
Modern day spirituality is alive and well and never better understood than by the many Workers within the metaphysical industry, including psychic mediums, psychic readers, healers, tarot card readers & many more, & a distinct shift with more and more people turning to this type of spiritual therapy is in evidence with more testing times being the norm.
How Do I Find a Psychic Reader who is Authentic?
Psychic abilities are a gift and as such different to everybody who is experiencing and channeling them, psychics can't really be "certified" as such it is a unique gift given to each one. Psychic readers however can be certified in certain techniques such as astrology or reiki yet also incorporate unique intuition and clairvoyance readings into their work. Take the time to find out what services are offered by the psychic reader. Psychic Sense houses the best psychics in the UK a lot of which are accredited, they are often found in many leading women's press - Psychic Sense has that very team available for you 24-7. A real psychic will offer guidance and insights but never make decisions for you. Psychic Sense
Certain Losses And Life Changes Take Place
It has been seen that with advancing years, people generally tend to gravitate towards religion, though the church may not always be as accommodating to the elderly. They may thus be more influenced by the thinking of various philosophers and thinkers that deal with the different practices of spirituality to find meaning in life. When one considers aging and spirituality, one will no doubt realize that with advancing age, there are certain losses as well as life changes that require having more hope in order to survive.
Spirituality Can Be Therapeutic
Aging and spirituality can take the form of therapeutic interventions found in prayers, meditation and expressions of art, all of which may lead to spiritual healing as well as renewal. With better understanding of spirituality through various resources, there may come about a more pleasant aging process. There has been a definite shift within the psychic phone reading sector with more and more older clients seeking spiritual guidance in this way.
Aging and spirituality also raises questions about the true meaning and value of day-to-day life. In fact, aging and spirituality is related to a period in life when a person is closer to the end of life. This is where a persons spirituality can expand and help them share their feelings with others. It allows a person some space in which to grow, even in times of difficulty.
Spirituality Is Unique To Each Of Us
Just as our bodies age differently, spirituality is different for each of us also. Some people attending the same church or synagogue their entire life and have their spiritual beliefs well reconciled. Other people search for spirituality only in later life in order to deal with aging and death, or by using mediums, or psychics to seek the answers they need, though real spirituality is actually being aware we are spirit.
Modern day spirituality is alive and well and never better understood than by the many Workers within the metaphysical industry, including psychic mediums, psychic readers, healers, tarot card readers & many more, & a distinct shift with more and more people turning to this type of spiritual therapy is in evidence with more testing times being the norm.
How Do I Find a Psychic Reader who is Authentic?
Psychic abilities are a gift and as such different to everybody who is experiencing and channeling them, psychics can't really be "certified" as such it is a unique gift given to each one. Psychic readers however can be certified in certain techniques such as astrology or reiki yet also incorporate unique intuition and clairvoyance readings into their work. Take the time to find out what services are offered by the psychic reader. Psychic Sense houses the best psychics in the UK a lot of which are accredited, they are often found in many leading women's press - Psychic Sense has that very team available for you 24-7. A real psychic will offer guidance and insights but never make decisions for you. Psychic Sense
Top 5 Free Psychic Spells
by Jack Daniel Morris)
Psychic reading refers to an occult practice where the future is predicted on the base of palmistry, astrology, card reading etc. Often these are associated with the some hex or curse or incantation or spells and often considered as a reliable way of dealing with our future and present life.
Free psychic spells are hugely available today. People can find many websites on their normal internet search which provide these spells. Most people rate psychic spells based on different criteria. The top 5 more popular and more common free psychic spells are love spells, money spells, health spells, good job spells and counter psychic spells.
As psychic is a vast area of different kinds of magic and different types and areas like voodoo magic and ancient Egyptian magic are there, it can be hard describing the best free psychic spells. Nevertheless, although the procedures may be different and the rituals may also differ from culture to culture; the basic desire behind a particular spell remains the same.
Perhaps the most popular free psychic spell is a love spell, which covers a big area of definition. Love spells may be of different kinds. While some may be used to fetch the Mr. /Mrs. Right for you, some other may help to turn a friend into love or maybe save a marriage and so on. There are even love spells which attribute to gay love and simply lust. People from different part of the world have repeatedly reported for and against these spells.
The next one on the list should be money spells, primarily used to get help in tough financial conditions. Money spells are also used and performed by different kinds of magic, the basic purpose being the same. It is claimed that using these spells may prove useful as they can be the reason of sudden input of money from unexpected sources.
Possibly the next one down the list would be health spells. These spells are often put to use to prevent health hazards of a person or his friends and family members. They can also be and sometimes is used for ailment of chronic diseases.
A good-job spell should be the fourth popular in the list. These spells, as the name indicates, are performed for the sole reason of getting a desired job. These free psychic spells are available in the voodoo culture, as in many others.
In the list, the fifth position should be occupied by counter psychic spells. These spells are said to contain the power to free someone from the attack of any other dark psychic spells intended to harm that person.
With this the list of top 5 free psychic spells on the internet is concluded.
Psychic reading refers to an occult practice where the future is predicted on the base of palmistry, astrology, card reading etc. Often these are associated with the some hex or curse or incantation or spells and often considered as a reliable way of dealing with our future and present life.
Free psychic spells are hugely available today. People can find many websites on their normal internet search which provide these spells. Most people rate psychic spells based on different criteria. The top 5 more popular and more common free psychic spells are love spells, money spells, health spells, good job spells and counter psychic spells.
As psychic is a vast area of different kinds of magic and different types and areas like voodoo magic and ancient Egyptian magic are there, it can be hard describing the best free psychic spells. Nevertheless, although the procedures may be different and the rituals may also differ from culture to culture; the basic desire behind a particular spell remains the same.
Perhaps the most popular free psychic spell is a love spell, which covers a big area of definition. Love spells may be of different kinds. While some may be used to fetch the Mr. /Mrs. Right for you, some other may help to turn a friend into love or maybe save a marriage and so on. There are even love spells which attribute to gay love and simply lust. People from different part of the world have repeatedly reported for and against these spells.
The next one on the list should be money spells, primarily used to get help in tough financial conditions. Money spells are also used and performed by different kinds of magic, the basic purpose being the same. It is claimed that using these spells may prove useful as they can be the reason of sudden input of money from unexpected sources.
Possibly the next one down the list would be health spells. These spells are often put to use to prevent health hazards of a person or his friends and family members. They can also be and sometimes is used for ailment of chronic diseases.
A good-job spell should be the fourth popular in the list. These spells, as the name indicates, are performed for the sole reason of getting a desired job. These free psychic spells are available in the voodoo culture, as in many others.
In the list, the fifth position should be occupied by counter psychic spells. These spells are said to contain the power to free someone from the attack of any other dark psychic spells intended to harm that person.
With this the list of top 5 free psychic spells on the internet is concluded.
What Else You Should Know about Sylvia Browne Psychic Reading
by Jack Daniel Morris)
Born on October 19, 1936, Sylvia Browne is an American psychic and spiritual medium and a world renowned psychic reader. She is the head of Sylvia Browne Enterprises and the Sylvia Browne Corporation. In 1986, she also founded a church called the Society of Novus Spiritus in Campbell, California. Some of her most famous books are Adventures of a Psychic, Astrology Through a Psychic's Eyes, All Pets Go To Heaven: The Spiritual Lives of the Animals We Love etc. Her church, the Society of Novus Spiritus, is regarded as ‘Gnostic Christian' i.e. it includes Christianity along with Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism and Islam.
The society insists that the Bible should be used as a teaching-tool. She also conducts her psychic reading known as Sylvia Browne psychic reading through her own online talk show Hay House Radio. She has also made appearance on a lot of TV and radio shows including the Larry King Live, The Paul Harris show, The Montel Williams Show and Coast to Coast AM.
Psychic reading, which includes astrology, aura reading, playing card reading, distant reading, palm reading, tarot reading, rune reading etc., is defined as an attempt to predict the future (generally concerning one individual) based on paranormality and psychometry.
Sylvia Browne is noted for her many paranormal claims, some of them being as seeing the heaven and the angels. Sylvia Browne psychic reading is very popular regarding her vast number of global fan followers. She possesses a charisma that is a primary source for attraction for many of her followers. She is an engaging speaker, well known for entertaining her audience.
Though she did manage to get into many kinds of controversies from time to time, she has also managed to still maintain her huge popularity till the date. Today, a huge number of Sylvia Browne psychic reading over telephone is available that attracts a big amount of listeners all over the world.
Browne has a son named Christopher, whom she also refers as the best psychic only followed by her mother, is also available, along with Sylvia for a psychic reading, for which one has to schedule the meeting on her personal website. This website also lists all the Sylvia Browne psychic reading or the predictions she had done in recent past.
As already stated, many controversies have found their way to Sylvia. Main grounds of all the controversies were more or less similar. The main problem being, as many have pointed out, that most of her predictions tend to go wrong; although she had claimed that 85% of them correct. Nevertheless, she is still regarded as one of the most successful psychic readers ever.
Born on October 19, 1936, Sylvia Browne is an American psychic and spiritual medium and a world renowned psychic reader. She is the head of Sylvia Browne Enterprises and the Sylvia Browne Corporation. In 1986, she also founded a church called the Society of Novus Spiritus in Campbell, California. Some of her most famous books are Adventures of a Psychic, Astrology Through a Psychic's Eyes, All Pets Go To Heaven: The Spiritual Lives of the Animals We Love etc. Her church, the Society of Novus Spiritus, is regarded as ‘Gnostic Christian' i.e. it includes Christianity along with Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism and Islam.
The society insists that the Bible should be used as a teaching-tool. She also conducts her psychic reading known as Sylvia Browne psychic reading through her own online talk show Hay House Radio. She has also made appearance on a lot of TV and radio shows including the Larry King Live, The Paul Harris show, The Montel Williams Show and Coast to Coast AM.
Psychic reading, which includes astrology, aura reading, playing card reading, distant reading, palm reading, tarot reading, rune reading etc., is defined as an attempt to predict the future (generally concerning one individual) based on paranormality and psychometry.
Sylvia Browne is noted for her many paranormal claims, some of them being as seeing the heaven and the angels. Sylvia Browne psychic reading is very popular regarding her vast number of global fan followers. She possesses a charisma that is a primary source for attraction for many of her followers. She is an engaging speaker, well known for entertaining her audience.
Though she did manage to get into many kinds of controversies from time to time, she has also managed to still maintain her huge popularity till the date. Today, a huge number of Sylvia Browne psychic reading over telephone is available that attracts a big amount of listeners all over the world.
Browne has a son named Christopher, whom she also refers as the best psychic only followed by her mother, is also available, along with Sylvia for a psychic reading, for which one has to schedule the meeting on her personal website. This website also lists all the Sylvia Browne psychic reading or the predictions she had done in recent past.
As already stated, many controversies have found their way to Sylvia. Main grounds of all the controversies were more or less similar. The main problem being, as many have pointed out, that most of her predictions tend to go wrong; although she had claimed that 85% of them correct. Nevertheless, she is still regarded as one of the most successful psychic readers ever.
How Psychic Readings Can Help With Grief
by Keith Ward)
Coping with grief and bereavement are among the most challenging, if not the most challenging situations we must ever face in life. And, knowing how to feel or how to deal with those feelings during such a trying time can be rather difficult for most people who sometimes describe the experience of bereavement very differently.
As our feelings are different, so are the ways we choose to deal with grief. What heals the emotional wounds and pain faster or better for one person may not be the right choice for another. Grief also takes on many different forms and occurs for a variety of reasons, not only in the case of a death.
To overcome the loss of a loved one, whether it's a significant other, friend, family member, or pet, or perhaps even the end of a relationship, many are choosing psychic readings and psychic grief counseling instead of or in addition to more traditional forms of counseling.
For most people, not having a sense of closure after a loved one passes away or a marriage comes to an end is the most difficult aspect of the entire loss process. In the case of the former, psychic readings done by a genuine medium with authentic and proven psychic abilities can offer hope and healing during a time of great loss. In terms of the latter, the end of a relationship, psychic readings can also help by way of offering guidance and bringing about a new and better perspective to the situation.
Some of us are rather vulnerable during times of grief, and for this reason it is quite important to not succumb to the many charlatans who will, unfortunately, prey upon people in this fragile state of mind. With that being said, there are an incredible number of genuine mediums who say they are able to make contact with the deceased. In addition to communicating with another realm, psychic readings are used for guidance and meditation to help come to terms with loss grief, and bereavement.
As far back as 1882 when the Psychical Research Society was formed in the United Kingdom to study clairvoyance, people have been increasingly fascinated with the paranormal, psychic abilities, and the ability to expand the realms of the human mind to other possibilities.
Now, in the present day, residents of Great Britain seek psychic readings in various capacities such as through the use of tarot cards, aura readings, numerology, palm readings and astrology. Even royalty have been known to ask the advice of psychic readers as well as ordinary people throughout the ages, all seeking guidance through psychic readings for a variety of personal reasons.
People who are grieving over the loss of a loved one and who also feel strongly about the spirit in some manifestation or another being able to live on past the physical life often have psychic readings to communicate with that person. If you also feel strongly about this possibility and are looking for guidance from the psychic world, seeking the advice of a respected psychic reader may be worth considering.
Coping with grief and bereavement are among the most challenging, if not the most challenging situations we must ever face in life. And, knowing how to feel or how to deal with those feelings during such a trying time can be rather difficult for most people who sometimes describe the experience of bereavement very differently.
As our feelings are different, so are the ways we choose to deal with grief. What heals the emotional wounds and pain faster or better for one person may not be the right choice for another. Grief also takes on many different forms and occurs for a variety of reasons, not only in the case of a death.
To overcome the loss of a loved one, whether it's a significant other, friend, family member, or pet, or perhaps even the end of a relationship, many are choosing psychic readings and psychic grief counseling instead of or in addition to more traditional forms of counseling.
For most people, not having a sense of closure after a loved one passes away or a marriage comes to an end is the most difficult aspect of the entire loss process. In the case of the former, psychic readings done by a genuine medium with authentic and proven psychic abilities can offer hope and healing during a time of great loss. In terms of the latter, the end of a relationship, psychic readings can also help by way of offering guidance and bringing about a new and better perspective to the situation.
Some of us are rather vulnerable during times of grief, and for this reason it is quite important to not succumb to the many charlatans who will, unfortunately, prey upon people in this fragile state of mind. With that being said, there are an incredible number of genuine mediums who say they are able to make contact with the deceased. In addition to communicating with another realm, psychic readings are used for guidance and meditation to help come to terms with loss grief, and bereavement.
As far back as 1882 when the Psychical Research Society was formed in the United Kingdom to study clairvoyance, people have been increasingly fascinated with the paranormal, psychic abilities, and the ability to expand the realms of the human mind to other possibilities.
Now, in the present day, residents of Great Britain seek psychic readings in various capacities such as through the use of tarot cards, aura readings, numerology, palm readings and astrology. Even royalty have been known to ask the advice of psychic readers as well as ordinary people throughout the ages, all seeking guidance through psychic readings for a variety of personal reasons.
People who are grieving over the loss of a loved one and who also feel strongly about the spirit in some manifestation or another being able to live on past the physical life often have psychic readings to communicate with that person. If you also feel strongly about this possibility and are looking for guidance from the psychic world, seeking the advice of a respected psychic reader may be worth considering.
How to Save Your Brain
by Adrian Joele)
Losing your mind is the most destructive disorder that a human being
can encounter. Most people who become senile and develop Alzheimers or other unchangeable form of brain degeneration are
aware of it. The worst of it is: we do most of the damage to ourselves.
The amount of information processed by your ten billion brain cells
each second makes our most advanced computers look like
children's toys.Your brain controls everything, from the smallest
wiggle of your toes to the momently balance of hundreds of hormones
and the microscopically regulated metabolism of all the thirty trillion cells that enables you to think, feel and behave like a human being.
When only a few thousand brain cells get damaged or die,it effects
our whole body. Because of poor nutriton, pollution in our body,
over-use of drugs and lack of exercise, progressive brain damage
builds up. Our intelligence declines, memories fade, muscles astrophy,
bones weaken, immunity is lost and we become aged and an easy
prey for every disease.
Undoubtedly,the final solution to disease lies in the prevention of brain
degeneration.The good news is that recent nutrition science have discovered ways to maintain and even improve brain function.
In the average person, the first brain function to go is memory, starting
at age 30 and accelerating after the age of 40.As long as you can store
new information in long-term memory and recall it, you can change
your behaviour, improve your skills and enhance your life.
If that capacity declines, you become an automat, not able to learn
anything new, forever re-enacting the habits and memories of an
increasingly distant past.
In order to prevent this decline, it is good to know something about
the structure of the neurons, which are the nerves in our brain.
Each neuron consists of a stringy filement called a dendrite, then
a cell body, then another stringly filement called an axon.
The dendrite carries nerve impulses towards the cell body and the
axon carries them away again. The nerve impulses carry information,
much like the electrical impulses that carry your spoken information
along a telephone line.
However, unlike phone lines, neurons are not connected to each other.
The end of axon of each neuron stops near the ends of dendrites of
other neurons. The gap between the axon and the dendrites is called
a synapse. The transmission of nerve impulses across the synapse
is accomplished chemically by the release of neurotransmitters,
compounds that flow from the axon to the neighboring dendrites.
Two of these compounds known to be involved in memory are
serotonin and acetylcholine. Both are formed from specific essential
nutrients that your body can't make. You must obtain them from your diet.
Learning is stored as memory mainly through modification of synapes.
The particular pattern of synaptic discharges, called up by learning
new information, sensitizes the neurons involved to trigger that pattern
more easily on subsequent occasions. When the pattern recurs,
memory of what was learned recurs also.
A new important discovery is that the amount of neurotransmitter
present at the synapse, determines wether or not memory storage
takes place. If the amount of neurotransmitter is reduced, memory
storage is disrupted. We look at serotonin first.
The results of animal experiments at the Center for Neurobiology
at the Columbia University show that memory storage can be
increased by intoducing additional serotonin into the neuron.
The same is true for humans, additional serotonin improve memory
You can improve your memory if you sleep immediately after
studying. Sleeping cuts off all further input and thus prevents
interfering material from blocking storage of the learning.
Now we know that the neurotransmitters are more important.
Serotonin is released in large quantities into the brain as you fall
asleep. It is the additional serotonin that improves memory storage.
The drug zimelidine also increase brain serotonin and imroves
memory. Serotonin is formed in brain neurons from the essential
animo acid l-tryptophan. The rate of serotonin formation depends
on the amount of l-tryptophan that is available to the brain from the
To raise your blood tryptophan you can eat proteins that contain
tryptophan or you can take a pure tryptophan supplement.
People in European countries have free access to this essential
amino acid.
Because of the blood/brain barrier however,only an l-tryptophan
supplement will raise brain tryptophan without difficulty.
Transport of amino acids accross the blood/brain barrier is
limited. Trytophan is one of the class of large neutral amino acids
(LNAAs), that rely on a specific transporter molecule.
If you eat protein food at the same time as l-tryptophan, the other
LNAAs in the food, isoleucine,leucine, valine, tyrosine and
phenylalanine all compete with tryptophan for transport, as a
result, only a fraction get through.
You can solve this problem by "neutrolizing" the other LNAAs
in the blood by eating high carbohydrate food with the protein,
like whole-grain bread or rice cakes. Carbohydrates lowers
blood levels of all the LNAAs, except tryptophan, thereby
permitting it to enter the brain preferably and so raise serotonin
levels.Your memory will undoubtedly benefit from it.
The production of brain acetylcholine reduces when we grow
older. However, memory improvement is achieved with the drug
arecholine, which stimulates acetylcholine function.
Brain acetylcholide is made from choline and pantothenic acid
in your diet.
Memory improvement by taking choline can only be achieved
when taken with pantothenic acid as well.
Especially older people are lacking the essential nutrients, like
folic acid, vitamin B12 and thiamin in their diet.
Any strategy to maintain or improve memory must be based on
complete neutrition.
It is useless to supply your brain with acetylchloline if the neurons,
whose function it is supposed to improve, are already dead.
People with early memory loss still retain functional neurons
on which the choline can act. It is best to start early with choline
supplements before degeneration starts.
Another factor to be taken into consideration is that when choline
is taken it will only increase acetylcholine synthesis in the brain
if the brain is stimulated, for example by studying.
Also exercising the brain seems to be necessary to maintain
your memory level.
Memory improvement doesn't happen overnight.. In most cases
any improvement can only be experienced after several months,
as it requires new growth of dendrites and axons and even growth
of whole new neurons.
Science today has shown that it is possible to grow new brain cells.
Dr Fernando Nottebohm has made this remarkable discovery
from animal studies, when after given brainstimulating drugs and
intense mental stimulation, grow new brain cells and connections
in adulthood. Nottebohm believes it is also true for humans.
This new evidence proves that anyone can improve their brain,
but it doesn't happen overnight. It can take up to ten months
and six years for acetylcholine increasement.
In an attempt to increase brain acetylcholine with lecithin intake,
you must take into account that lecithin bought in health food
stores contains only small amounts of lecithin.
Only phosphatidyl choline supplements of about 20 mg will work.
The latest discovery shows that acetyl-l-carnitine maintains
brain function partly by antioxidant action.It improves memory,
prevents brain cell loss, boosts intelligence and restores
acetylcoline metabolism.
Losing your mind is the most destructive disorder that a human being
can encounter. Most people who become senile and develop Alzheimers or other unchangeable form of brain degeneration are
aware of it. The worst of it is: we do most of the damage to ourselves.
The amount of information processed by your ten billion brain cells
each second makes our most advanced computers look like
children's toys.Your brain controls everything, from the smallest
wiggle of your toes to the momently balance of hundreds of hormones
and the microscopically regulated metabolism of all the thirty trillion cells that enables you to think, feel and behave like a human being.
When only a few thousand brain cells get damaged or die,it effects
our whole body. Because of poor nutriton, pollution in our body,
over-use of drugs and lack of exercise, progressive brain damage
builds up. Our intelligence declines, memories fade, muscles astrophy,
bones weaken, immunity is lost and we become aged and an easy
prey for every disease.
Undoubtedly,the final solution to disease lies in the prevention of brain
degeneration.The good news is that recent nutrition science have discovered ways to maintain and even improve brain function.
In the average person, the first brain function to go is memory, starting
at age 30 and accelerating after the age of 40.As long as you can store
new information in long-term memory and recall it, you can change
your behaviour, improve your skills and enhance your life.
If that capacity declines, you become an automat, not able to learn
anything new, forever re-enacting the habits and memories of an
increasingly distant past.
In order to prevent this decline, it is good to know something about
the structure of the neurons, which are the nerves in our brain.
Each neuron consists of a stringy filement called a dendrite, then
a cell body, then another stringly filement called an axon.
The dendrite carries nerve impulses towards the cell body and the
axon carries them away again. The nerve impulses carry information,
much like the electrical impulses that carry your spoken information
along a telephone line.
However, unlike phone lines, neurons are not connected to each other.
The end of axon of each neuron stops near the ends of dendrites of
other neurons. The gap between the axon and the dendrites is called
a synapse. The transmission of nerve impulses across the synapse
is accomplished chemically by the release of neurotransmitters,
compounds that flow from the axon to the neighboring dendrites.
Two of these compounds known to be involved in memory are
serotonin and acetylcholine. Both are formed from specific essential
nutrients that your body can't make. You must obtain them from your diet.
Learning is stored as memory mainly through modification of synapes.
The particular pattern of synaptic discharges, called up by learning
new information, sensitizes the neurons involved to trigger that pattern
more easily on subsequent occasions. When the pattern recurs,
memory of what was learned recurs also.
A new important discovery is that the amount of neurotransmitter
present at the synapse, determines wether or not memory storage
takes place. If the amount of neurotransmitter is reduced, memory
storage is disrupted. We look at serotonin first.
The results of animal experiments at the Center for Neurobiology
at the Columbia University show that memory storage can be
increased by intoducing additional serotonin into the neuron.
The same is true for humans, additional serotonin improve memory
You can improve your memory if you sleep immediately after
studying. Sleeping cuts off all further input and thus prevents
interfering material from blocking storage of the learning.
Now we know that the neurotransmitters are more important.
Serotonin is released in large quantities into the brain as you fall
asleep. It is the additional serotonin that improves memory storage.
The drug zimelidine also increase brain serotonin and imroves
memory. Serotonin is formed in brain neurons from the essential
animo acid l-tryptophan. The rate of serotonin formation depends
on the amount of l-tryptophan that is available to the brain from the
To raise your blood tryptophan you can eat proteins that contain
tryptophan or you can take a pure tryptophan supplement.
People in European countries have free access to this essential
amino acid.
Because of the blood/brain barrier however,only an l-tryptophan
supplement will raise brain tryptophan without difficulty.
Transport of amino acids accross the blood/brain barrier is
limited. Trytophan is one of the class of large neutral amino acids
(LNAAs), that rely on a specific transporter molecule.
If you eat protein food at the same time as l-tryptophan, the other
LNAAs in the food, isoleucine,leucine, valine, tyrosine and
phenylalanine all compete with tryptophan for transport, as a
result, only a fraction get through.
You can solve this problem by "neutrolizing" the other LNAAs
in the blood by eating high carbohydrate food with the protein,
like whole-grain bread or rice cakes. Carbohydrates lowers
blood levels of all the LNAAs, except tryptophan, thereby
permitting it to enter the brain preferably and so raise serotonin
levels.Your memory will undoubtedly benefit from it.
The production of brain acetylcholine reduces when we grow
older. However, memory improvement is achieved with the drug
arecholine, which stimulates acetylcholine function.
Brain acetylcholide is made from choline and pantothenic acid
in your diet.
Memory improvement by taking choline can only be achieved
when taken with pantothenic acid as well.
Especially older people are lacking the essential nutrients, like
folic acid, vitamin B12 and thiamin in their diet.
Any strategy to maintain or improve memory must be based on
complete neutrition.
It is useless to supply your brain with acetylchloline if the neurons,
whose function it is supposed to improve, are already dead.
People with early memory loss still retain functional neurons
on which the choline can act. It is best to start early with choline
supplements before degeneration starts.
Another factor to be taken into consideration is that when choline
is taken it will only increase acetylcholine synthesis in the brain
if the brain is stimulated, for example by studying.
Also exercising the brain seems to be necessary to maintain
your memory level.
Memory improvement doesn't happen overnight.. In most cases
any improvement can only be experienced after several months,
as it requires new growth of dendrites and axons and even growth
of whole new neurons.
Science today has shown that it is possible to grow new brain cells.
Dr Fernando Nottebohm has made this remarkable discovery
from animal studies, when after given brainstimulating drugs and
intense mental stimulation, grow new brain cells and connections
in adulthood. Nottebohm believes it is also true for humans.
This new evidence proves that anyone can improve their brain,
but it doesn't happen overnight. It can take up to ten months
and six years for acetylcholine increasement.
In an attempt to increase brain acetylcholine with lecithin intake,
you must take into account that lecithin bought in health food
stores contains only small amounts of lecithin.
Only phosphatidyl choline supplements of about 20 mg will work.
The latest discovery shows that acetyl-l-carnitine maintains
brain function partly by antioxidant action.It improves memory,
prevents brain cell loss, boosts intelligence and restores
acetylcoline metabolism.
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