by Annie Sherwood)
Astrology can be very useful when you are trying to learn about a potential romantic partner. Every sign has certain traits, and these traits can help you decide if a man is worth pursuing or not. If you have decided on a Leo, you are going to have your hands full. Leos are self-focused and egocentric. The Leo man wants to be admired, and he wants a companion who will help him succeed. He loves attention, but he can have a hard time giving a relationship his all. He can be possessive and controlling, and enjoys being the one in charge. Work with him to win him.
When in love, a Leo man is very generous and will do anything in his power to make the woman in his life happy. He can be romantic when he wants to be, and is a man who tries hard to protect the woman he loves. Leos work hard to get what they want, and are very ambitious. He will shower you with attention, kindness, and affection or step back for a while, whatever makes you happy. He never means to hurt anyone's feelings, and will work hard to make it up to you if you have a fight. This proud man will also try to impress you, because he will want you to see him as the best and most unique person in your life.
If you want to attract a Leo man, make sure that you are always put together. Leo men are vain, and they want a feminine woman that they can show off and make other men jealous of. Always take care of yourself because this shows that you value and respect yourself. This will make you more attractive to a Leo as well. Show him you're interested in what he says, do small gestures of affection like holding his hand, and handle disagreements with caution. Always be loyal to a Leo, because they won't tolerate betrayal. It's also a good idea to include him in literally everything, because this will make him feel adored, and curb his jealousy.
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