by James Edwards)
In astrology Leo governs the Sun Sun as the center of our solar system is a star, all the other planets revolve around. Astrologers may say that man Leo wants to be in the spotlight, which may or may not be true, depending on the rest of the astrology chart. But the way in the life of Leo always find your center and follow their hearts.
The crises in the life of Leo will be about pride, courage, love, to be recognized and allegations. Usually, all these combined together with a story or drama that is unfolding. Leo needs in a drama in my life. They need to feel and express life. However, if they are not conscious of its domestic needs, the drama can develop while they are so wrapped up in a game they take that very seriously and may be rooted in the epic drama of growth.
Many times, young Leo event happened in their lives where they either received the attention and approval, or in hopes of attention and approval of respect and affection of adults, usually one of the parents. The emotional charge was created or what they have done something, perhaps a little show for adults, and believed he loved and adored with attention. This event is a sample I have to play their role, put on a show in order to get approval, love and attention. And sometimes a child, Leo wants love and attention, and feels, and continues to ignore upping the stakes in the existing outside or somehow tends to get mom and dad attention, for example, by getting sick, provoking the brothers, etc.
This emotional create can continue into adulthood, where Leo sees the need to perform more and more to get approval. Adoption and love, was wanted or strengthen a child, now becomes ambiguous statement from the world. If I'm the best salesman in the office, somehow, life will be better, and it may take up to an emotional crisis occurs with the basic question "why am I not happy?
It is important to Leo in his spiritual path to consider whether or not they are taking measures for approval. Again, this is the hidden feelings and the driving force beneath the surface of everyday activities. Therefore, the study itself is very important. One way to find out whether or not what you are doing is genuine is to ask or you do not feel that someone in your life will be "allegations" that you are doing. Think about someone you care about or those whom you want to take care of you. Next ask yourself if, in addition to (as an example) will be particularly the seminar if you think so and so will admire you for it. It can be access if there is a hint wanting approval. If yes, then ask yourself if you go somewhere or do something, even if there was admiration, and even in the presence of disapproval.
This is one way, Leo can find its heart and life path. Having the courage to follow the next step. It takes courage to deliberately step on the path that you want, but you know who are important to you in your life do not approve. Leo must seek the truth in their hearts, this is the way you want better for your highest good? It's clean, without being infected do so as a result of hurt pride or ego? Are you prepared to risk the loss of others to have what your heart wants? After learning the truth in his heart courageously went to your own adventure.
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